Mad(lib) For Sweat Pink #NoExcuses 2015


Are you doing the Sweat Pink #NoExcuses challenge?  We’ve been challenged today to share our take on this fun madlib.  What does yours look like?

  • Hey 2015, it’s me SarahGriffFit (nickname, spirit animal, real name, blog name)

  • This year I would like to run faster, gain muscle , and be confident.

  • It would also be super duper awesome if I also did_my best to take a vacation_ this year. It’s not a resolution, though, just a reminder to myself to try and have the best year yet because _I deserve it_.

  • The thing I am looking forward to most this year is racing more.

  • I’ll use the one thing that truly gets me out of bed in the morning which is my blaring alarm clock to help me get up, get moving (verb) and get after my #NoExcuses 2015.

  • Speaking of excuses (ahem), my very favorite excuse is my hectic schedule and I have used it to get out of doing meal prep and working out on more than a few (number) occasions.

  • I vow to move my body and be more healthy this year even if it means I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn.

  • Even if my alarm clock gets eaten by the dog in the middle of the night, I’ll still drag my tired but out of bed

  • I will stop blaming our son [ex: kids, dog, husband] for eating the rest of the oreos when everyone knows it was really me.

  • My kid [job, hair, car, husband, kids] are not the reason I make excuses. I will show my kid [same as before] who’s boss this year and get my run [type of sweaty activity] on

  • I know that lifting weights [type of workout] is better than cake [noun]

  • I will reward myself by buying new clothes or workout gear

  • No Excuses 2015 has just begun and already I am imagining myself a winner. I can’t wait to rock a shirt (article of clothing) from Augusta Active. I can’t wait till my sweaty friends are jealous of how fresh, clean and glowing (adj) I am between workouts with help from ShowerPill body wipes. I can see myself rocking inversions [yoga pose / workout move] in new tie one on leggings [article of clothing from Actio926] from Actio926 and looking fit and fly while doing it. And of course, I’ll be taking my workouts to the next level and improving my core strength [noun] with my new ActivMotion Bar to help me train for my next  10k [distance] race with Sasquatch Racing.

  • Oh, and let’s not forget how amazing my running tights [article of clothing] will smell during my run [favorite type of workout] after washing with some WIN Detergent. And lastly, I’ll keep rocking my 2015 with clean eats and nutrition from Beaming with Health!

Runner’s Woes: Feeling Like A Turtle

It’s no secret, I am a slow runner.  Heck, this blog is aptly named Slow Mo Mother Runner for a reason!  Anyhow, I’m nearly finished with my second month of marathon training and I can’t help but feel the looming doubt creep in.  I feel like I am getting slower!

How come I’m not getting faster?!  One month ago I was regularly seeing 10:10-10:40 splits for my 5ks and felt I was on the right track, but today I am struggling to hit sub 11:00 splits.  I’m not quite sure what is going on, but I want to make a change.  I want to be faster!

I’ve been considering changing up my training, but am not quite sure where to begin.  This whole running thing is still fairly new to me and when I look at training plans and various routines to get faster I begin to get a touch confused and overwhelmed.  Another factor could be that my body needs more fuel.  I recently discovered that my RMR is 1590 and I’m typically consuming that amount of calories which means I am falling short and my body might be fighting me.

I went for a short mile run the other day just to see how fast I could go if i was going at a slightly higher pace than normal.  I ran the mile in 9:41.  Nothing too crazy, but it did show me that my body is capable of going faster.  Now, it’s a matter of building the endurance at that pace and then working on increasing said pace.
Are you trying to get speedier?  What has worked for you?

Finding Your Motivation And Fighting The Motivation Monster

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Let’s talk about motivation.  Motivation is a powerful thing, but being motivated can only get you so far.
Over the past year I’ve spoken with many people who struggle with the motivation monster.  The monster that eats up every ounce of motivation you had when you decided to start your journey.  The monster that creeps in when results and progress slow down.  The monster that sometimes holds you back from starting at all.

Do you know what I am talking about?  It might be an all too familiar scenario for you.  I know it was for me.  In the past year I’ve definitely faced my monster multiple times, but the one thing that really kept me going was my determination to stay motivated.

I know it sounds crazy and you might say, well isn’t and shouldn’t motivation be enough?  It would be great if that were the case, wouldn’t it?!  Let’s break it down into terms and compare a few.

The dictionary defines motivation as:

motivation- n
1. the act or an instance of motivating
2. desire to do; interest or drive
3. incentive or inducement

We can all come up with a reason of why we want to get fit and be healthy.  The why is all too easy.  I wanted this life for me because I wanted to be the healthiest and happiest person I could be for my family.  I didn’t want to feel trapped and hidden in a body I didn’t recognize.

But what happens when your “why” changes?  What happens when your motivation isn’t clear anymore?

That’s when determination comes into play.

The dictionary defines determination as:


1. the act or and instance of making a decision

2. condition of being determined; resoluteness

Being determined is what will ultimately keep you going.  Everyone can have the motivation to want to do something, but having the determination to stick it through when times get rough is the hard part.

For me my motivating factors are constantly changing.  At first it was training for the marathon.  I was motivated by the goal in sight, but there were days where I began to question my motives.  Why was I doing this?  Well, because I had made the decision to dedicate the time and energy and to complete the task at hand.  This is why I am a firm believer in setting goals.

A goal can provide motivation and the act of commitment will provide the will and determination to keep that motivation alive.  Does that make sense?  They go hand in hand and together create an unstoppable momentum that will keep you going.  Much like a rolling stone won’t gather moss, a person who is striving for new goals will be less likely to lose their motivation.

For me, starting new beachbody programs is what helps me keep my motivation alive.  I am setting mini-goals through the course of each program.  The end goal is always to follow the program and complete it.  Earning my free shirt and sharing my results at the end are things that help push me forward.  Much like collecting race bibs, completing these programs and earning my shirts are my badges of honor.  They show that I stuck it through and met my goal.

What keeps your motivation alive?  What goals are you setting for yourself?


“Avoid The Resolution Rush” Jumpstart: FREE 2-Week Challenge

Avoid The Resolution Rush Fitness Challenge


Time Line:  14-Day Challenge Begins December 15, 2013 (Full 30-day Challenge start date extended to January 5th, 2014)

Weekly Challenge Calendars (click to enlarge):

***Disclaimer:  Please follow this challenge at your own risk–if you are unsure of how to use proper form follow the apps instructions/demos for the workout.

“Week 1 Challenge” “Week 2 Challenge”

General Commitment Requirements (for full challenge): 

1.     Go to and add me as your free coach by signing up for the free membership (please make sure you have selected the free membership option).  If you already have a Beachbody Account and want to switch coaches please e-mail and ask to have me added as your new coach–>Coach Name:  Sarah Griffin (SarahGLoses) Coach ID: 312195

2.     If you do not yet own a Beachbody Program, please use the above link to go through to my shop and purchase a program for the challenge.   For the best deal you should consider purchasing the challenge pack associated with the program of interest (you will get a month supply Shakeology with your program along with other bonuses).

3.     You must be committed to following the scheduled Beachbody workouts throughout the course of the challenge (there will be a reminder calendar posted).  You must also be committed to following the nutrition plan associated with your program (or another comparable nutrition plan).  It will help to track your foods using MyFitnessPal and it is recommended that you sign-up for a free account and add me, SarahGLoses as your friend.

4.     Follow Sarah Griff-Fit on Facebook and join the Facebook Challenge Group (Avoid The Resolution Rush-December Challenge).

5.     Please take a moment to fill out the linked form (this will help me assess your goals and current level of fitness to pick a program that works for you).

6.     Before/During/After Photos and Stats:  You will be required to share your progress photos throughout the course of the challenge.  If you are hesitant of sharing this through IG or FB that is ok—you can email them to me directly.  **Note:  sharing through these outlets is a way to keep you accountable and keep you motivated.  If you would like anonymity, but want to share we can block out your face and I can share on your behalf.

7.     Group participation:  You should participate in the FB group by sharing details of your daily workouts and weekly progress.  You can also share recipes, meals, and your struggles and wins.

(If you are posting to IG please hashtag your daily photos with #sarah_griff_fit #avoidtheresolutionrush #decemberchallenge)

8.     Weekly Challenge Assignments:  Each week I will post an assignment for you to complete.  It could be anything from drinking more water to finding a workout buddy within the group.  Be sure to check pinned posts for details.


1.     What if I can’t afford the challenge pack for the program I am interested in?

a.     There are many other affordable Beachbody programs available (as low as $40) and you will be allowed to join this challenge with the purchase of ANY program (so long as you fully commit to following it each day).

2.     Do I need to use a Beachbody Program to commit to the challenge?

a.     For this challenge you will need to follow one of the Beachbody programs (i.e. Turbofire, P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity T25, etc). —-OR—- If you chose not to follow one of these fitness programs you can still participate if you sign-up for a monthly supply of Shakeology HD while performing your own fitness routine.

3.     What will my workout program be if I chose not to do a Beachbody program.

a.     This is fully up to you!!  You just need to commit to putting in a 30-60 minute workout every day where a workout is required (and drink your Shakeology).  If you need help figuring out a routine let me know and we can think of something.

4.     What Beachbody Program is right for me?

a.     If you have questions regarding which program to choose please contact me directly and we will work on finding something that is suitable to your goals and current fitness level.

5.     Is there a way I can save on the Beachbody Programs? Shakeology?

a.     YES!  When you purchase a challenge pack you can sign-up as a coach and have your coaching fee waived.  Coaches receive a 25% discount on future purchases of the all programs and Shakeology HD orders.

b.     If you purchase the P90X3 challenge pack before the end of December you can buy it at the intro price of $180 (includes free hat and workout)


1.     All participants (that purchase a new Beachbody program and complete the challenge) will receive a free “This Beauty Trains Like A Beast” workout tank.

2.     The top 3 participants (based on over results and level of participation) will receive gifts that are TBD.

Again, thank you so much for your interest in making a change in yourself for life.  I look forward to having you in our challenge group and have faith that with my help you can achieve your weight loss goals.


Sarah (sarah_griff_fit)


Getting Started: The How

In March of 2013 I was at my wit’s end.  I had finally reached the “I’m ready to make a change” phase and was tired of the talk.  It was time to do the walk so I signed up for an 8-week weight loss challenge through my employer and used it as something to hold me accountable.

The first weeks I started out by watching my diet and by going to the gym on my lunch breaks.  In the first week I was happy to have lost 4 lbs!! I couldn’t believe that my body was actually responding to my efforts.  I then decided to amp things up and double up my efforts by doing P90X in the evenings.  I could feel myself getting stronger with each workout and loved the fire that had been lit inside of me.

I lost a total of 18lbs during those 8 weeks, but still had a way to go to meet my goals. I felt like I could do anything and at the end of the challenge I didn’t want to stop.   I continued on with the P90X program and soon decided to incorporate running.  I was hoping to sign-up for a few fun summer 5k races to keep me on track.

Screen shot 2013-10-25 at 4.26.44 PMResults from the early phases of running/p90x

I’ve never been a runner, but I have always had it in my mind that one day I would complete a full marathon.  It’s something that I had long dismissed and placed at the bottom of a very long bucket list, but something happened that reminded me of my goal.  My best friend decided that she would be signing up for the Walt Disney World Marathon in January of 2014 and that she would begin training for it soon.

I’d already been “running” for a couple of months and realized that I had no reason not to sign up.  In June of 2013, I bit the bullet and registered myself for my first ever marathon.  I was thrilled and nervous all at the same time, but mostly I was proud of myself for committing to accomplish such an incredible task.

Training wise, I continued on with P90X and began the 28 week training plan (provided by Disney via Jeff Galloway) in July.  Since the start of my training, I’ve logged close to 300 miles, completed one half marathon, lost nearly 30 lbs, and run distances I never knew were possible.

Screen shot 2013-10-25 at 4.22.19 PMResults from P90X/Marathon Training

I’m still training with P90X and 3 runs/week, but I’m more mindful of what I’m doing to my body.  I’m really trying to avoid any injuries and exhaustion and do take breaks when I need them,  BUT I always make sure to complete my runs for the week.  The P90X workouts get put on the back burner if I begin to feel burnt out or overworked.

It’s been a long journey and I still have many miles to go, but firmly believe that “you can do anything you put your mind to””.

Screen shot 2013-10-25 at 4.43.54 PMleft January 2013, right October 2013 after finishing my first half marathon